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Nev went to Germany-Accesorising tragicomix

May 17, 2011

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Nev went to Germany is an autobiographical story about first love and love lost. A work in progress, the story will be made using a miniature book format (just slightly bigger than a 5 Rand coin), hand-bound and eventually worn as a clothing accessory (most likely around the neck or as a badge, somewhere close to the heart). By experimenting with format, the reader is encouraged to engage with the narrative on a more intimate level. The object as a clothing accessory references the way in which we express  identity through what we wear, similar to how we use personal narrative to construct a sense of self in remembering the past. Limited edition copies of Nev went to Germany will be sold at the Co/Mix 2011 merchandise store.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Simon Jacobs permalink
    May 24, 2011 6:55 am

    Kudos! Having had some sneak peaks at the sketches being brought to life, it is great seeing them here 🙂 Go Robbie! The is making the simple into ART!

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